Секреты улучшения отдела и объектов
1.Улучшайте качество объектов
Чем выше качество объекта, тем выше будет его ценность для компании. Вы можете улучшать качество объекта, используя специальные предметы, которые можно получить при выполнении определенных заданий или купить на центральной площадке.
2. Развивайте отделы
Отделы – это ключевые компоненты вашей компании, которые обеспечивают добычу, улучшение и хранение объектов. Чтобы улучшить свой игровой процесс, развивайте отделы и обучайте сотрудников, чтобы повысить их производительность и эффективность.
3. Создавайте комбинации объектов
Одни объекты могут взаимодействовать с другими, создавая уникальные комбинации, которые позволяют получать большую выгоду и бонусы. Поэтому постарайтесь использовать различные объекты, чтобы получать максимальное количество ресурсов и бонусов.
4. Отследите производительность своих сотрудников
Чтобы повысить свою эффективность, следите за производительностью своих сотрудников, создавайте для них определенные правила и ресурсы, чтобы повысить их эффективность и производительность. Не забудьте обучить сотрудников обработке различных объектов, чтобы они могли использовать свои знания и опыт в повседневной работе.
5. Планируйте свое время и ресурсы
Планируйте свое время и ресурсы, чтобы получить максимальную выгоду из своей компании. Вы можете создать расписание работы для своих сотрудников, определять приоритеты и задачи, чтобы своевременно достигать целей и успехов.
Следуя этим секретам, вы сможете улучшить свою игру в Lobotomy Corporation и получить максимальную выгоду от своей компании.
Its ability triggers when its Qliphoth Counter reaches 0. The Abnormality’s Qliphoth Counter will decrease by 1 when:
- An employee panic while working with it
- When the employee completes the work with Temperance Level 1.
After the counter reaches 0, The Dreaming Current will breach. It possesses 200 HP. It will start by selecting a random hallways in the facility, usually 1 per department/team, to be covered by a rainbow liquid, the liquid is supposed to damage HP and heal SP of employees that are passing by them, but it just makes the employees passing by them (50%) slower.
At the start, The Dreaming Current will stand at the end of one the hallway, in one of the sides; preparing itself, making splashing sounds for some moments. Afterwards, it will charge at a drastic speed to the opposite side with its jaw open, leaving a trail of rainbow bubbles and dealing massive (150) Red Damage to anything in its path. When reaching the other side of the hallway, the Abnormality will teleport to other affected hallway and continue the charge, repeating until it has passed almost all of them and stopping in the end of the last room, standing idle for a while before preparing itself to charge again to the opposite side, back again through the same hallways. The Dreaming Current goes through an order of hallways and it will stop charging just in 2 locations which are 2 selected hallways.
The only open chances to suppress the Abnormality are when it’s idle or preparing to charge.
Основные понятия
- Сингулярность — технология фантасмагорической степени сложности и силы. Каждое из Крыльев владеет хотя-бы одной, что и привело этот мир к корпоратократии.
- Крылья — 27 крупнейших корпораций мира, правящих Городом. Корпорация Лоботомия (L) − одна из них.
- Гнездо — процветающий район Города, находящийся под непосредственным контролем одного из Крыльев.
- Перья — обитатели Гнезда. Являются ценными сотрудниками Крыльев.
- Переулки — тесно переплетённая с Гнёздами сеть районов. Населена беднотой, жизнь − сера и тяжела. Потому, многие обитатели переулков мечтают стать Перьями и оставить своё жестокое обиталище, переехав в Гнездо.
- Окраины — обширные области на краю города. Они состоят из разрушенных в ходе Туманной Войны зданий.
- Сефиры — ИИ, руководящие работой в разных отделах объекта.
- Когито — овеществлённое сознание. Над ним проводились опыты в Корпорации.
- Аномалии — существа, порождённые человеческим подсознанием. При их помощи Корпорация «Лоботомия» вырабатывает энкефалин, который перерабатывают в энергию. Подразделяются на 5 классов опасности.
Классы опасности
- ZAYIN — аномалии, представляющие незначительную угрозу или не представляющие её вовсе.
- TETH — аномалии, способные нанести ущерб сотрудникам, но вред от которых можно нивелировать при должном обращении с ними. Часть из них способна сбежать из камеры содержания.
- HE — аномалии средней опасности. Способны убить большое количество сотрудников, каждая вторая аномалия этого класса способна сбежать из камеры содержания.
- WAW — очень опасные аномалии, при побеге способные нанести большой ущерб. Могут убить десятки сотрудников, а их подавление является сложной задачей без должной экипировки. Большинство аномалий могут сбегать из камер.
- ALEPH — самые опасные аномалии, своим побегом способные вызвать хаос и множественные смерти. За ними необходима постоянная слежка. Каждая аномалия этого класса способна к побегу.
Прочие понятия
- Корректировщики — посредники, готовые взяться за любое дело за достойную плату. Спектр полномочий начинается от шпионажа и охраны территорий и заканчивается заказными убийствами. Обладают ранговой системой: 9-й ранг — самый низкий, 1-й ранг — самый высокий; некоторые также имеют «цвет», такие корректировщики в разы сильнее 1-го ранга. «Цвет» дает корректировщикам полную свободу и независимость от иерархии Города.
- Э.П.О.С — экипировка, создаваемая с помощью PE-ячеек аномалии. Как уже было сказано, уникальна и обладает различными характеристиками. Сила Э. П. О. С. прямо пропорциональна опасности аномалии: экипировка от аномалии класса ZAYIN порой годна только для слабейших противников или обезумевших агентов-новичков, в то время как Э. П. О. С. от ALEPH’ов является оружием, с помощью которого можно будет пройти сложнейшие испытания этой игры (с условием грамотного микро-менеджмента игрока).
- Энкефалин — вещество, с помощью которого Корпорация «Лоботомия» производит энергию. Также является наркотиком и имеет галлюциногенный эффект.
- Счётчик Клипота — числовой показатель, расположенный над камерой содержания. В зависимости от Аномалии может начинаться с числа от 1 до 5 или быть со значением «✕», что означает отсутствие способностей, зависящих от счётчика. Если счётчик упадёт до 0, аномалия использует свою способность или сбежит.
- ТТ2 Протокол — сингулярность улучшенная Корпорацией Лоботомия (лучшая версия TT Протокола, от Корпорации Т), позволяющая останавливать, отматывать или ускорять время.
Типы урона
- Красный — тип атаки, наносящий физический урон. При попадании под атаку КРАСНОГО типа HP Сотрудника понижается.
- Белый — тип атаки, наносящий психический урон. При попадании под атаку БЕЛОГО типа SP Сотрудника понижается.
- Чёрный — атака, наносящая и физический, и психический урон. При попадании под атаку ЧЁРНОГО типа HP и SP Сотрудника понижается.
- Бледный — это сама смерть. Сильное тело и чистый ум равны перед смертью. БЛЕДНАЯ атака наносит урон Сотруднику пропорционально от его общего HP.
The Dreaming Current’s containment
The Dreaming Current preparing to charge
The Dreaming Current attacking with its charge
A hallway covered by the rainbow liquid
The Dreaming Current defeated
The Dreaming Current Details unlocked
Concept artwork for The Dreaming Current
ZAYIN | Army In Black — Don’t Touch Me — Fairy Festival — Mirror of Adjustment — Old Faith and Promise — One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds — Opened Can of Wellcheers — Plague Doctor — We Can Change Anything — You Must Be Happy — You’re Bald… |
TETH | 1.76 MHz — Beauty and the Beast — Behavior Adjustment — Bloodbath — Crumbling Armor — Fragment of the Universe — Forsaken Murderer — Grave of Cherry Blossoms — Luminous Bracelet — Meat Lantern — Old Lady — Ppodae — Punishing Bird — Skin Prophecy — Scorched Girl — Spider Bud — The Heart of Aspiration — Theresia — Today’s Shy Look — Standard Training-Dummy Rabbit (Tutorial Exclusive) — Void Dream — The Lady Facing the Wall |
HE | All-Around Helper — Child of the Galaxy — Der Freischütz — Funeral of the Dead Butterflies — Giant Tree Sap — Happy Teddy Bear — Laetitia — Nameless Fetus — Notes from a Crazed Researcher — Porccubus — Portrait of Another World — Red Shoes — Rudolta of the Sleigh — Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom — Schadenfreude — Shelter from the 27th of March — Singing Machine — The Snow Queen — Warm-Hearted Woodsman |
WAW | Alriune — Backward Clock — Big and Will be Bad Wolf — Big Bird — Clouded Monk — Dimensional Refraction Variant — Dream of a Black Swan — Express Train to Hell — Flesh Idol — Il Pianto della Luna — Judgement Bird — Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary — Parasite Tree — Queen Bee — Snow White’s Apple — The Burrowing Heaven — The Dreaming Current — The Firebird — The King of Greed — The Knight of Despair — The Little Prince — The Naked Nest — The Queen of Hatred — Yang — Yin |
ALEPH | Apocalypse Bird — Blue Star — CENSORED — Melting Love — Nothing There — The Mountain of Smiling Bodies — The Silent Orchestra — WhiteNight~(Apostles) |
Unused Graphics
oldLady_notused.png is, as the name suggests, not used in game as a sprite for the Old Lady. It can, however, been seen as a part of its portrait on its Abnormality Detail page.
Unused Sprite | Abnormality Detail Portrait | Final Sprite |
nameLessFetus_notused.png is similarly also not used in game as a sprite, but is also used as part of it’s Abnormality Detail page portrait.
Unused Sprite | Abnormality Detail Portrait | Final Sprite |
Plaguedoctor_2.png was an early version of a Plague Doctor/WhiteNight’s Abnormality Details sprite, and is a leftover from the legacy build.
NullThing.png, despite looking very close to Nothing There’s actual used sprite, is not actually used anywhere in-game.
Found under «sprites/unit/creature/manportrait.png». The official artbook showcases it in the Concept Art section, so this sprite is likely a leftover from it beginning to be implemented, before eventually being scrapped.
In «sprites/unit/creature/jacklesstree.png» is an image of the originally planned but scrapped abnormality «The Beanstalk without Jack», which can be seen in the artbook’s aforementioned Concept Art Section. Strangely, the sprite’s transparency seems to be broken unlike any other sprite in the game.
Unused Eggs
Not unlike the «egg» assets used in the Apocalypse Bird boss fight, there are a few more «egg» version of abnormalities in the files. These are never called and so go unused. In later games in the series, abnormalities turn into similar «eggs» when they are defeated, so it could be that abnormalities were also meant to turn into eggs when suppressed in early Lobotomy Corporation development, but the initial concept was scrapped.
File Name | Sprite |
magicalgirl.png | |
matchgirl.png |
Room Backgrounds
Backgrounds of main team/level rooms are mostly obscured during regular gameplay, and are much larger and more detailed than they appear.
Sephirah Core Suppression Warning Hidden Message
To do:Source previous findings on message |
Note the prominent two‑tone peaks at ≈932 Hz (A#5) and ≈1172 Hz (D6) and their respective harmonics; the intermittent alarm plays on different harmonics independent of the Morse code
The Morse code is discernible in the beginning but is muddled by the blaring alarm in the middle; the last bits of information are undiscernible as the audio fades out
In Lobotomy Corporation, one must inevitably suppress the core of each Sephirot via Core Suppression. When a Sephirot’s Core Suppression becomes available, at the beginning of the management day a short cutscene about the Sephirot will play that terminates with a stylized warning message and an accompanying audio track. This track contains a small Easter egg: a two‑tone Morse code message that one can decipher easily by viewing the audio track’s spectrogram. The Morse code can be transcribed as follows (word boundaries have been added for readability):
·· / ·− −− / − ···· · / ··· ·− − ·− −· −−··−− / −− −·−− / ·−−− −−− −··· / ·· ··· −−−··· / − −−− ·−· −− · −· − / ··· −−− −· −·−· ···
The message then reads as follows:
The existence of this message has not been widely discussed in the English-speaking community, nor has it been accurately decoded in previous instances. As to what refers to is not known.
Как правильно управлять работниками
1. Определите цели и задачи каждого работника
Каждый работник в корпорации должен иметь свою роль и задачи, необходимые для развития компании. Определите, какую задачу каждый работник должен выполнять, и объясните ее ему. Также установите цели для каждого сотрудника и следите за их достижением.
2. Обучите работников
Для того, что бы работники выполняли свои обязанности максимально эффективно, им нужно обучение. Организуйте тренинги и семинары для обучения новым навыкам и знаниям.
Совет: Используйте ресурсы, чтобы обучать своих работников. Это может быть книга, видео, онлайн-курсы. Таким образом вы не только поможете им улучшить свои знания и умения, но и дополнительно мотивируете.
3. Поддерживайте мотивацию работников
Мотивированные работники лучше выполняют свои задачи, работают более продуктивно и дольше находятся в компании. Поддерживайте мотивацию своих работников, создавая соответствующую корпоративную культуру и предоставляя возможность роста и развития.
4. Устанавливайте четкие правила и ожидания
Работайте над созданием четких правил и ожиданий от работников, таких как определенное время прихода и ухода, принципы безопасности и т.д. Помните, что, чем более четкие правила Вы установите, тем лучше будет управление персоналом.
5. Организуйте систему обратной связи
Создайте систему обратной связи с Вашими работниками. Это позволит Вам быстро решить проблемы и устранить возможные препятствия для успешного управления корпорацией.
Совет: Используйте программы для связи, такие как почта, чаты и т.д. Это особенно полезно, если Вы работаете на расстоянии от своих работников.
Тонкости борьбы с монстрами и боссами
Понимание сущности монстре и босса
Перед тем как начать борьбу с монстром или боссом, необходимо тщательно изучить их особенности и сущность. Каждое существо имеет свои слабости и сильные стороны, которые необходимо учесть для эффективной борьбы.
Использование обмана и позиционирования
Многие монстры и боссы могут быть сбиты с толку и обмануты. Используйте различные трюки и ловушки, чтобы обойти их защиту и нанести урон. Также не забывайте о позиционировании и балансе между нападением и защитой и выносливостью персонажа.
Подготовка снаряжения и оружия
Эффективное оружие и снаряжение с бонусами и способностями могут значительно упростить борьбу с монстрами и боссами. Тщательно изучите все доступные опции и выберите наиболее подходящие для конкретного существа. Не стесняйтесь экспериментировать и пробовать разные варианты.
Сохранение промежуточных уровней
Важным аспектом борьбы с монстрами и боссами является сохранение результатов на межуточных уровнях. Если вы не можете победить существо с первой попытки, попробуйте разные варианты, пока не найдете наиболее эффективный. Не переживайте, если проигрыш на каком-то этапе, вы всегда можете продолжить свой путь и получить новый шанс на победу.
- Подготовка это все. Завернуть не забудь
- Борьба должна быть динамичной и эффектной
- Сконцентрируйте все свои силы и удачу на победе сбежавшего монстра
There was a child who had a severe infection, and it was estimated that he wouldn’t live past two years of age. The parents of the child abandoned him, and a couple of researchers became his father and mother, adopting the child for an ‘experiment’ and bringing him to a laboratory.
The researches have managed to prolong the child’s lifespan. He learned to coo and walk in the laboratory, though he was never able to properly speak or read. The kid liked the ocean, but instead of taking him to see it, the researchers gave him grape flavored candies which would allow him ‘see’ the ocean from the safety of the lab.
The child spent his life within that laboratory, listening and obeying the researchers and enjoying the candies they’d give him. He would never get to run around in a nice grass field under the warm sun, but his shaky steps continued to be filled with enthusiasm. His only concern was about what kind of candy he’d eat tomorrow.
The Abnormality itself seems to either be the child himself or a manifestation of the child’s experiences and love for the ocean.
Lobotomy Corporation is a 2D side-view micromanagement roguelike where the player takes the role as a branch manager of the in-game company and directs employees, specifically agents, to do work. The goal is to optimally interact with the slowly-expanding roster of abnormalities in your collection to meet the daily energy quota.
Employees are divided into two categories: agents and clerks. Agents are the order-able employees who work on and suppress abnormalities. They have health, sanity, and four virtue stats: fortitude (health), prudence (sanity), temperance (work success), justice (speed). Each stat can be raised by doing the corresponding work. Clerks are expendable employees whose population gives the facility a minor boost, or a major penalty if every clerk in a department dies. When the day passes or is reset, all dead clerks are replaced freely. Agents however, must be hired for Lob Points. A dead agent cannot be revived, and their equipped EGO is lost.
There are four types of work that can be acted on an abnormality: Instinct, Insight, Attachment, and Repression. Each abnormality has its preferences and extra conditions that often relate to the stats or mental/physical state of the working agent. Depending on the abnormality’ preferences and the employee’s stats, a random number of E-boxes are produced. Each positive box (signaling a good job) raises the facility’s energy level by 1. Each negative box (signaling a bad job) deals a set range of damage to the working agent. The abnormality may be influenced by the quality of work performed on it. Often, an abnormality may breach if bad work is done on it too many times.
In addition to positive and negative energy boxes, abnormalities produce personal energy boxes for each positive one produced. Personal energy boxes are specific to each abnormality, and can be exchanged for information on the abnormality, its preferences, its damage type, its resistances when breaching, and production of its EGO armor and/or weapons.
EGO (External Object of Geometric Origin) is the primary form of defense and offense offered to Lobotomy Corporation’s agents. When produced from an abnormality, the manager will be able to equip the various EGO armors and weapons they acquire onto their agents, altering their resistances and attack damage. EGO shares its rating system with abnormalities, with most armors and weapons sharing the same risk level as the abnormality that produced it. Additionally, EGO equipment may have stat requirements to be worn.
EGO gifts are a third kind of EGO that cannot be produced with PE boxes, but can be randomly granted to any agent who works on it, providing a small stat bonus. EGO gifts each take up a slot on an agent, and cannot be removed. If an EGO gift is given to an agent who already has a gift in the corresponding slot, the old one is replaced.
Abnormalities are kept in containment via a Qliphoth Deterrence. Most abnormalities have a qliphoth counter, which signals to the manager how close they are to breaching containment. A lower counter indicates a breach-likely state, and 0 is an immediate breach. In the event an abnormality breaches, it may need to be suppressed. Unsurpassed abnormalities almost always have the ability to kill employees and clerks, and potentially upset other abnormalities and form a chain-reaction that can result in a game-over for that day.
Qliphoth Meltdown and Ordeals
Qliphoth meltdowns and ordeals are regularly occurring threats in Lobotomy Corporation that add randomness to each day. Each work ordered on an abnormality raises the overall qliphoth level, which is reset at the start of each day. When the qliphoth level fully raises, either a meltdown or ordeal occurs. A meltdown sees a timer appear over a certain amount of abnormalities’ chambers. If the abnormalities are not worked on before the meltdown occurs, their qliphoth counter will instantly reach zero, causing them to breach or otherwise retaliate. An ordeal will summon abnormality-like creatures throughout the facility’s rooms and hallways, attacking clerks and agents nearby. Ordeals are classified through both difficulty and theme, with the former ranging from dawn, noon, dusk, and midnight, and the latter being amber, crimson, green, and indigo. Defeating an ordeal by suppressing every summoned entity will provide a percentage amount of the daily quota in energy boxes.
Gameplay Basics
Deployment Phase: The first screen you see in game. Your prepping phase.
Manual: Can be clicked to read up on the games mechanics. It’s not horrible but insists on using the games terminology which can be confusing.
I still recommend reading it. Especially after reading this guide as it will make much more sense.
Hire button: Can be used to hire new employees using “LOB Points” or Character points.
Department screen: This is where you will assign your employees. You can view a Description of the department’s functions, team functions, and research projects. Most importantly however you can view all currently gathered info on the department’s abnormalities
Clicking on the abnormality will bring up its information screen.
Basic information: Shows its name and ID number as well as its risk Level.
Here we have:
- One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds.
- He’s of the Zayin risk level which is the lowest threat level.
- His damage type is White Which is the damage your employee will take while working on him; More on that later.
- To the left of Basic information is the observation level which increases as you purchase more information on the abnormality.
- At the top you can switch to the abnormalities story which will also progressively unlock as the observation level increases.
On the right we have:
Work favor: these will give you hints on which work has a higher chance at producing a “PE box” or success.
To the right of that you have your total PE boxes.
Above that you have E.G.O suit E.G.O weapon and E.G.O gift. These will become available as you progress the abnormalities observation level.
And above those is the Qliphoth Counter. Pronounced Ke-lee-Pot or kellypot (I’ve checked multiple sources on this) it’s the abnormalities meltdown counter. Like a 3 strikes and you’re out deal, though some will start at 4, 5, 2, etc. One sin doesn’t have a negative effect and thus has no counter.
Finally we have:
Manager tips: These will explain how the abnormality reacts to your work.
I will explain one of the most common phrases present in these.
When the work result was good / normal / bad, Qliphoth counter has decreased with a high / normal / low probability.
As discussed above Depending on how you research an abnormality determines whether this countdown decreases or not; indicated by the 2 above PPodae’s name.
If the manager tip says “When the work result was bad, Qliphoth counter has decreased with a high probability” It means receiving a bad work result has a high chance at reducing the counter by one. Reduce the counter to zero and get ready for a bad time.
Selecting a work will give 4 options. These correspond with the work favor stat back on the abnormality screen. High means a better chance at success and low means a lower chance. The work result tells you how many PE boxes are required for each result. In Ppodae’s case getting at least 10 is a good result. Ppodae has a maximum output of 12. PE output also corresponds with your daily energy quota. At most Ppodae can give us 12 towards our goal. Under the daily quota is the work counter. Each work performed on an abnormality will add to the counter. When the counter is full the next work performed will activate a Qliphoth Meltdown. The number 2 indicates how many abnormalities will meltdown.Once the meltdown is activated, 2 random abnormalities will receive a 60 second countdown regardless if they have a Qliphoth Counteror not.
Note: If an employee is working an abnormality that receives a counter the counter will not activate until the employees work has finished.If an employee isn’t sent to work on the abnormality before the counter reaches zero an amount of energy will be depleted from the energy quota and the abnormalities qliphoth counter will be reduced by 1.
With all this info in mind the basic approach to working on an abnormality is:
- Experiment with work types.
- Unlock work favors and manger tips.
- Work on said abnormality more efficiently.
- Fail.
- Repeat.
Lastly there is the pause screen
Quickly put
Retry will start the day over. All dead employees will be alive and all abnormality information gained throughout the reset day will be lost.
Return to Memory Repository works a little differently. Every few days you will receive a memory imprint.
Restarting to this point will only reset any newly made employees, newly picked abnormalities, and acquired E.G.O gifts.
You will keep any progress made from all completed days since the last imprint including abnormality observation level on all worked on abnormalities.
And any E.G.O weapons and suits you have made.
The idea being that the game does not punish resetting, it encourages it.
That’ll wrap up basics for now. Up next is stats.
- The Dreaming Current was a planned Abnormality for a long time, considering that its art concept was presented before days of Bloodbath inclusion (Both shared the same picture).
- The Dreaming Current has the highest Movement Speed amongst the Escape Abnormality and is the 2nd fastest abnormality in the entire game.
- Due to it being classified as Trauma, along with its story entries heavily implying the use of drugs. The story is most likely of a child that was terminally ill and kept on psychoactive drugs. It is mentioned that the child was estimated to die within’ 2 years but managed to live for many years and given candies that made them believe they were at the ocean or a grass field along with colorful nights and days.
Agent Commands
This group consists of seven commands for Lobotomy Corp, each directly pertaining to agent operations. The agent’s Agent ID represents their recruitment order during gameplay. For instance, the first agent you encounter on Day 1 will have an Agent ID of 1.
- : The command inflicts HP damage on the designated agent.
- : With , you can deliver SP damage to a specific agent.
- : The command modifies the agent’s HP and SP values to the specified amount.
- : By executing , you can induce fear damage to the agent.
- : The command assigns a specific Gift to the selected agent.
- : Using , you can detach the given Gift from the chosen agent.
- : The command lets you impose any type of damage on the agent.
Список полезных ресурсов и модификаций для игры Lobotomy Corporation
- Instability Customization. Данная модификация позволяет изменять процент нестабильности артефактов.
- Gift Replicator. С помощью этой модификации можно дублировать любые ресурсы, которые Вы приобретаете в игре.
- Pandora’s Box. Модификация, которая добавляет новый тип артефактов и новые объекты в игру.
- Third party characters. Эта модификация добавляет новых персонажей в игру, которых можно использовать в игре.
Нет худа без добра! С этим списком полезных ресурсов и модификаций тебе станет проще управлять агентами и создавать своё агентство! Помни, что модификации могут изменить созданную разработчиками баланс-систему, поэтому будь осторожен и оценивай их использование исходя из своих личных предпочтений в игре!
Gameplay Tips
From this point on all information is optional. This section serves as small collection of helpful tips to optimize gameplay. It may be best to play for a while before reading these but, again, I’m not your mom. Some abnormality names will be used while avoiding there abilities. They are as follows in no particular order.
A department will usually only have 3 abnormalities and one tool. With this in mind 3 employees per department early on is optimal. One for each active abnormality as well as enough to cover meltdowns and ordeals.
Which stat to focus on leveling is based on which abnormalities you pick. Generally you want to level temperance first when working with Zayin’s.
Then either prudence or Insight when working on Teth’s. Then depending on which HE you get determines which employee to level first. While making sure to take the abnormalities requirements into consideration, If the HE does high red damage level an employee with high prudence. Level 3 or higher is ideal but you can sometimes get away with 2. Some of the HE level abnormalities are the best leveling tools in the game, so make sure to learn how to use the ones you have.
Then there’s gift farming.
Once a certain observation level is reached you gain access to the abnormalities gift. Some have a lower drop chance than others, all give free stat increases. And they stack.
The idea goes like this. You have a chance of getting a gift after the work is finished. Early game you can get away with farming days a lot longer than you can late game. Around 6 abnormalities is a good number to start with. If a gift drops for an employee swap him out with another. Don’t worry if both employees received a gift or not.
As long as one employee received a gift your good. Considering the drop chances, It’s much more efficient to stack as many gifts on one employee as possible. Minmaxing is rewarded in this game. Remember that each gift has a slot such as head, mouth, eyes, head2.
A gift can be replaced by another if they both use the same body slot. This is good if the new gift has better stats but horrible if it’s worse so pay attention to what gifts your stacking as well as who you send to handle a meltdown. Nothing is worse than replacing a 2% drop chance gift with penitence. Early game you could spend an hour in one day farming for a gift. A good stopping point is ordeal 3 depending on how good your gear is.
If you level with abnormalities efficiently you may find yourself with excess LOB points.
Lob points are wasted on new employee’s early game. They are best saved to jumpstart new employees for Justice leveling. If you have a good justice abnormality such as The Child of Galaxy you can hire a new employee, put 3 point into prudence and fortitude, 2 into Temperance, and nothing in justice. As mentioned earlier 3 points in HP and SP is good enough for most of the HE’s depending on who you’re working on. Level temperance to at least 4 first for success rate then work on justice. Once justice is high enough move the employee to an abnormality with a better justice success rate such as Der Freischütz. Remember to min max; since you can only have one employee working on an abnormality at a time get that employee to justice level 5 before rotating someone else in.
If an abnormality is giving you trouble you can farm points at the risk of your employees and purchase info on it.
Then just memorize what you learned and reset the day. With this strategy I prefer to check the abnormalities work preferences first.
You can purchase abnormality weapons and info from the deployment screen.
Some abnormalities trigger what’s called a Qliphoth Overload which will decrease the chance of success after the work is performed. This overload will reset once a Qliphoth meltdown event is triggered. However it will not decrease if the meltdown is started while an employee is still working on an overloaded abnormality. Avoid activating meltdowns while someone is working on an overloaded abnormality, and try not to cause a meltdown by working on an overloaded abnormality.
The game encourages resetting. Returning to memory repository or even day one while keeping all your department upgrades, gear, and abnormality progress is never a bad idea.
Hit a wall? Cut your losses. Spend all your PE boxes on gear and info and yeet yourself back to day one. Discover new abnormalities while taking advantage of your powerful gear and info from the last time around. The early game will go faster and faster the more your able to progress each time. And for the love of god manager, don’t get attached to your cute customized employees. Your’re here to make energy, not save a few insignificant lives.
That’s all the tips for now.
The Dreaming Current responds to the four works in order of best to worst: Instinct, Attachment, Repression; and Insight.
Like all Abnormalities, its energy output is determined by the number of PE Boxes (Positive Enkephalin boxes) at the end of the interaction.
The Dreaming Current’s emotional state is divided into 3 sections: Bad, Normal, and Good. Completing 0-5 E Boxes will cause it to feel Distressed, completing 6-10 will cause it to feel Normal, and 11-20 will make it’s mood result Happy. Its usual waiting time after a task is around 15 seconds. Its Qliphoth Counter is 2.
Unlockable Information/Upgrades Edit
Basic Information (Cost: 20 PE Boxes)
Unlocks and shows the name of the Abnormality, subject classification, Risk Level ( WAW), portrait, Damage Type (White 3 — 6), the amount of E-Boxes (20), emotional states and its Qliphoth Counter (2).
Instinct/Insight/Attachment/Repression Work Favor (Cost: 7 PE Boxes)
Unlocks the percentage level list to the respective work.
Managerial Works 1/2/3 (Cost: 10 PE Boxes)
- «Managerial Tips 1»
- «Managerial Tips 2»
- «Managerial Tips 3»
Escape Information (Cost: 20 PE Boxes)
Information if the Abnormality can escape or not, plus its Qliphoth Counter (2). This includes its defenses when breaching:
Red: Weak (1.5) — White: Endured (0.5) — Black: Normal (1.0) — Pale: Vulnerable (2.0)
Work | Level 1 Chance | Level 2 Chance | Level 3 Chance | Level 4 Chance | Level 5 Chance |
(50%) |
(50%) |
(60%) |
(55%) |
(55%) |
«Very Low»
(0%) |
«Very Low»
(0%) |
«Very Low»
(0%) |
«Very Low»
(0%) |
«Very Low»
(0%) |
(45%) |
(45%) |
(45%) |
(50%) |
(55%) |
(45%) |
(45%) |
(45%) |
(45%) |
(45%) |
Observation Level
Level 1 (1 Section unlocked): Success Rate +3%
Level 2 (2 Sections unlocked): Speed Rate+5
Level 3 (3 Sections unlocked): Speed Rate +5
Unlocks the E.G.O. Suit and Gift ‘Ecstasy’.
Level 4 (All details unlocked): Success Rate +3%
Unlocks the E.G.O. Weapon ‘Ecstasy’.
E.G.O. Equipment
E.G.O. Weapon Ecstasy
Ecstasy | ||||||
Grade: | Cost: | Max Amount: | Damage: | Attack Speed: | Range: | Observation Level: |
WAW | 60 | 2 | White2-4 | Fast | Long | 4 |
Requirements: Agent Level 3Fortitude Level 2 |
Special Information | |
Details | Special Ability |
«The colorful pattern is vivid, similar to a child’s plaything.» | None |
E.G.O. Suit Ecstasy
Ecstasy | ||||||
Grade: | Cost: | Max Amount: | RED Defense: | WHITE Defense: | BLACK Defense: | PALE Defense: |
WAW | 30 | 3 | 0.8Endured | 0.8Endured | 0.8Endured | 1.5Weak |
Observation Level: 3 | Requirements: Agent Level 2Temperance Level 2 |
Special Information | |
Details | Special Ability |
«The armor’s sleeve has sparse needle marks on it.
The colorful pattern is fancy, quite akin to a child’s costume.» |
None |
E.G.O. Gift Ecstasy
Ecstasy (Mouth 2) |
Effects: SP +6 |
Drop Chance: 3%
Observation Level: 3 |