Top 40 most popular fire force characters

— title: what’s your deal? || yuichiro kurono x...

Куроно Юичиро

Куроно Юичиро — третье поколение, боец ​​Лаборатории развития навыков Haijima Industries. Его часто называют синигами из-за его стиля одежды и поведенческих тенденций.

Несмотря на то, что он уверенный и сильный человек, он зациклен исключительно на слабостях других.

Несмотря на то, что он чрезвычайно способен, Куроно не заинтересован в длительных битвах с опытными противниками и вместо этого предпочитает сосредоточиться на более слабых противниках.

Он утверждает, что его идеальный мир будет защищать сильных и сокрушать слабых.

По словам Виктора Лихта, Куроно известен как «Самый безумный».

Методы и способности

Куроно очень опытен в рукопашном бою. Он также вполне способен к быстрым движениям и мощным ударам, основанным на его обугленной правой руке.

Утверждается, что его общая сила равна Бенимару. Несмотря на свою внешность, Куроно более чем достаточно силен, чтобы поднять взрослого человека одной рукой.

Способность зажигания

Используя свою способность воспламенения, Куроно может испускать черный дым, температура которого может достигать 130 ° C. Он может обнаружить любое движение в клубе дыма и легко спрятаться в нем.

Он также может использовать дым, чтобы продвигаться по воздуху и контролировать его плотность до точки, где он может взобраться на него.

Куроно также может вдыхать дым в тела людей, вызывая их внутреннее горение. Кроме того, он также может затвердеть дым, чтобы проявить оружие, такое как мечи, ножи и т. Д. Используя обе руки, он может покрыть свое оружие пламенем.

Однако наиболее примечательным подвигом Куроно является то, что он не показывает никаких признаков боли или истощения из-за перегретой руки, несмотря на то, что он постоянно использует свою способность зажигания.

well hello, pretty stranger.

after atsumu signed yet another one of his fan’s merchandise of him, he took in a deep breath and tried to brace himself for another round of smiling nonstop and acting all charming, like how his fans think of him as. it does get suffocating after a while of this, all he can imagine of to keep himself sane and from teetering at his wits’ end is by dreaming of coming home in a few hours, laying down on your lap, and being treated to a night long full of loving between you two.

as he’s stuck day dreaming about you, the next person in line comes up; with her excusing herself to him to catch his attention as he sat there, in a bit of a daze, imaging how soft your lap would be and how much he just wants to get this over with already so he can smother you with his affection.

he soon snaps out of his gaze when she waves her hand in front of his face a little, catching his attention. he quite literally snaps out of it, his back jolting in surprise as he gains sobriety once more and realizes just where he is and what he was doing before dreaming of you and your embrace. he chuckles and rubs the back of his head, an embarrassed smile on his face as he apologizes for not noticing her earlier.

he doesn’t look at her face yet, but he politely takes the jersey she handed to him to sign, but for some reason, the feel of the jersey was… familiar. the smile fades from his lips as he looks over the clothing she handed him, seeing the number on the jersey was the same as his, but on the back, the words, “mrs. miya” were printed on them. it was then that atsumu realized… you came to his signing, you came to his meet and greet today.

all his wishes came true much earlier than he thought, and when atsumu looked up, his suspicions were confirmed. “um… are you okay, mr. miya?” you ask him with a shy, yet awfully knowing, smile; making atsumu do a double take and pause for a minute to collect his thoughts. he nodded and gave you a beaming smile. “yep! …never been better.” he muttered as he signed your jersey, taking all his time to let this moment with the woman he’d spend the rest of his life with in a few months linger for just a split second longer.

when you thank him and take the jersey back from him, he sneakily wraps his calloused hands around your wrist, gently pulling you close to him as he whispers in your ear, “thanks for saving my ass and sanity, babe. i love ya.” and when he relinquished his grip on your wrists, leaving you flustered and unable to return his ‘i love you’, he looked to you from the side as you were about to leave and wait for him somewhere in the building, sending you a genuine smile of gratitude, and a wink your way. he couldn’t wait to officially make you his mrs. miya in the future… you gave him enough energy and excitement to last 50 more of these meet and greets for one whole sitting!

Leonard Burns

Leonard Burns is the captain of the Special Fire Force Company 1 and is known for his calm and collected demeanor, as well as his exceptional fighting skills and abilities as a pyrokinetic.

He is a third-generation pyrokinetic who encountered The Evangelist and lost his right eye in the event. Despite his wavering faith in the Holy Sol Church, he blindly follows their orders and fights against Company 8.

As the captain of Company 1, Leonard is a highly respected and admired figure within the Special Fire Force.

He is a skilled strategist and is known for his calm and level-headed approach to situations, making him a valuable asset in the fight against spontaneous human combustion and the Infernals, beings created from people who have spontaneously combusted.

In addition to his role as captain of Company 1, Leonard is also shown to have a personal connection to the main protagonist, Shinra Kusakabe, as he was once a close friend of Shinra’s father and is deeply involved in the investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death.

Shinra Kusakabe

Shinra Kusakabe is a former Third and Fourth Generation pyrokinetic in Special Fire Force Company 8. His goal is to become a hero, save people from Spontaneous Human Combustion, and uncover the truth about his family’s death.

Shinra is brave, intelligent, and confident, always willing to help others. Despite his nervous laughter, a result of witnessing his mother’s death, he fights to be recognized as a hero.

He respects his captain, Akitaru Ōbi, and has high standards for the Special Fire Force. Shinra values his teammates and sees them as treasured friends.

He is determined to bring his brother, Sho, back and shows joy even in confrontations with him.

While not perverted, Shinra can end up in awkward situations with women but always strives to respect them.

During a period when his body was taken over by his Adolla doppelgänger, he became aggressive and villainous, exhibiting behavior completely opposite to his usual self.



Briefly titled Chikkun’s Grand Adventures, the story revolves around a girl named Miko meeting Chikkun, who crash-landed near her house. Dr. Bell and Giji-Giji crashed on Earth not too far away and set about trying to enslave the planet, but are easily deterred by Chikkun and Takkun. The manga ran in several different magazines from 1982 to 1984, but Ishinomori ended the series as soon as the anime was put in progress.


Chikkun, Prince of Planet R, goes to Earth with his advisor and bodyguard robot in search of the Waruchin Encyclopedia . The book, when connected to a computer system, is capable of making anything possible. Chikkun lands on earth and falls in love with a girl named Miko, who is the leader of a group of girls called the Kyunkyuns, who befriend him immediately. At the same time, the original thieves of the Waruchin, Dr. Bell and his assistant Giji-Giji, are on Earth and attempting to take over the planet with the Waruchin. Miko, her family, and the Kyunkyuns join together to repeatedly stop Dr. Bell.


Dragon is the leader of the White-Clad’s Destroyers group. He is an immensely powerful fighter with enhanced speed, durability, and strength.

He is a third-generation pyrokinetic who lived for over 200 years. He has supreme confidence in his ability and his power, and he joined the Evangelist only because of boredom from destroying everything aimlessly.

After years of aimless destruction, Dragon joined the White-Clad so that he had a purpose, and with that, he started to target the Special Fire Force team.

He relishes poking fun at his opponents’ weaknesses and even ridicules Charon when he is injured. Despite all his proclamations of being the strongest, Dragon was just tired of aimless killing and wanted to experience mortality.

He always looked for a good fight and thought Arthur Boyle would be the one to fight him.

Shō Kusakabe

It is difficult to definitively label Shō Kusakabe as a good guy or a bad guy in the anime series Fire Force, as his actions and motivations are complex and nuanced.

Shō is the younger brother of the main protagonist, Shinra Kusakabe, and he is the Commander of the Knights of the Ashen Flame.

Throughout the series, Shō is a fourth-generation pyrokinetic and a skilled fighter with the ability to control and manipulate fire.

As a child, Shō was kidnapped by White-Clad and was raised by The Evangelist, who holds his loyalty and dedication.

With his unparalleled Adolla Burst, Shō is the third pillar representing apathy. While Shō initially seems to forget his childhood with his brother and mother, only remembering his duty to The Evangelist.

After meeting his brother, Shinra, Shō refuses to acknowledge him, but out of curiosity, he starts to dig into his past.

Once his memories return, Shō renounces his post in White-Clad and starts to work with his brother to defeat the Evangelist.


Евангелист, также известный как Проповедник, является самым сильным персонажем из известных до сих пор сериалов «Огненная сила». Она является лидером Организации в белых одеждах и обладает достаточной силой, чтобы заставить своих подданных совершать такие подвиги, как «Разрезанная Вселенная» и скорость выше света.

У евангелистки два рога на макушке, что придает ей дьявольский вид. На ее шее есть символ Бога Солнца, а за ним плывет подобная солнцу структура.


Подтверждено, что евангелист — женщина.

Более 12 лет Евангелист отвечал за похищение детей и их тестирование, чтобы узнать, приобрели ли они Adolla Burst.

Хотя ее настоящая цель не раскрыта, считается, что она хочет воссоздать великую трагедию.

Методы и способности

Евангелистка способна на бесчеловечные подвиги, например, проходить сквозь Слезу в космосе, вызывать землетрясения по всей стране и ослеплять людей, которые смотрят на нее.

Те, кто также обладает Связью Адоллы, способны наладить связь с Евангелистом. При этом они получают ее Милость и доступ к странным способностям, именуемым четвертым поколением.


Haumea is a negative character in Fire Force. She is the Second Pillar in the White-Clad organization that was set up by The Evangelist.

She is one of the most powerful members of The White-Clad organization and a direct subordinate of The Evangelist with many years of experience in the group.

Haumea is known for her cruel and sadistic means of handling the job, which was developed over the years of listening to human wickedness.

She has the Adolla Burst ability and has mastered the use of it. However, she finds it a little uncomfortable to use despite the long experience.

Haumea has unparalleled pyrokinetic and Adolla Burst powers. She takes great joy in making her schemes extra cruel and works closely with Charon on most of her missions.

However, she hates to prepare reports and transfer the status reports of the mission to Charon. She gets annoyed when questioned about her missions.

She often appears childish and immature while grumbling and grunting about the work.

«Третий столп» Шо Кусакабэ

Шо Кусакабэ — пирокинетик четвертого поколения и командующий рыцарей Пепельного Пламени.

Он является младшим братом Шинры Кусакабе, который был похищен одетым в белое после того, как разбудил Адоллу Берст в младенчестве. Благодаря этому он стал Третьим столпом.

В отличие от своей внешности, Шо холоден, эмоционально отстранен и совершенно безразличен к своим семейным отношениям. Поскольку он провел большую часть своей жизни под руководством Евангелиста, Шо считает ее своим единственным родителем и утверждает, что не помнит о своей матери.

Кроме того, он, кажется, не обладает собственными амбициями и предпочитает следовать приказам проповедника, несмотря ни на что.

Методы и способности

Шо — замечательно быстрый пирокинетик третьего поколения и опытный фехтовальщик. Он может проявлять перья своей способностью и равномерно сражаться с Джокером своей катаной.

Адолла Бёрст

Как и у Шинры, у Шо есть редкая способность «Взрыв Адоллы» и Адолла Линк. Благодаря Милости Евангелиста он может использовать способность четвертого поколения, называемую «Разрезанная Вселенная», способную замедлять течение времени.

Severed Universe дает иллюзию невероятной скорости. Используя его вместе со своей катаной, Шо способен победить Шинру, Артура Бойла и Хибану одним ударом каждого.

Способность «Отрезанная Вселенная» требует замораживания окружающей среды до такой низкой температуры, что это уменьшает тепло, вызывающее естественное расширение Вселенной.

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Шо Кусакабэ использует Severed Universe

Это приводит к тому, что время течет медленнее для всего, за исключением самого Шо, который остается на нормальной скорости.

Главный недостаток этой техники заключается в том, что она подвергает его тело воздействию сильного холода, в результате чего он почти сразу начинает замерзать. Вот почему Шо избегает использовать его в течение длительного времени.

Еще одна слабость в том, что время фактически не замирает, оно просто значительно замедляется; так что если кто-то достаточно быстр, не имеет значения, если время идет медленнее.

Способность также основана на том, что Шо имеет Милость евангелиста. Как только он потеряет благословение евангелиста, он не сможет его использовать.

Шинра Кусакабе (без Адоллы)

Шинра Кусакабэ — третье поколение и, по милости, пирокинетик четвертого поколения. Он — Огненный Солдат 8-й роты особого пожарного и главный герой сериала.

Он также обладает Адоллой Бёрстом, что делает его Четвертым Столпом.

Шинра страдает нервным смехом, состоянием, при котором он естественно улыбается или показывает зубы, когда нервничает, находится в стрессе, гневе или неудобно. У него развилось это состояние после того, как он стал свидетелем смерти своей семьи.

После смерти своей матери и младшего брата Шинра присоединился к Специальному отряду огня, чтобы стать героем, спасая людей от спонтанного возгорания людей. Он также стремится раскрыть правду о смерти своей семьи двенадцать лет назад.

Методы и способности

Несмотря на то, что он новичок в огненной армии, Шинра бросил вызов опытным членам силы и даже победил капитана. Шинра — огненный солдат и имеет большой опыт в спасении людей.

Шинра обладает исключительным зрением, он может замечать вещи, которые другие участники не могли видеть на больших расстояниях.

Полагаясь в основном на свою способность зажигания в бою, Шинра продемонстрировал навыки в обычных боях, будучи в состоянии прижать противника к земле и сломать его защиту ударом ногой. Он также вполне способен защитить себя от других новаторских атак.

Способность зажигания

Когда он был еще ребенком, Шинра пробудил способность третьего поколения и получил силу зажигать, управлять и контролировать пламя у своих ног. При этом он оставляет пепел на полу в форме ступней, известный как «Следы Дьявола».

Используя эту способность вместе со своим боевым стилем, Шинра имеет достаточно силы, чтобы отрезать конечность или разрушить ядро ​​инфернала. Своими зажженными ногами он может изменять траекторию своих ударов в воздухе, позволяя ему наносить множество ударов ногами.

Отмечено, что Шинра отлично владеет подвижностью во время боя. Его способность зажигания позволяет ему быстро летать или скользить по полу и непрерывно прыгать с платформ, чтобы перехитрить противника, прежде чем он успеет отреагировать.

Как третье поколение, он показал устойчивость к внешнему пламени. Во время его битвы с Бёрнсом в тюрьме Фучу, следы Шинры эволюционировали дальше с острыми когтями по краям его ног.

Знаки Руки

Капитан Бенимару научил Шинру использовать жесты для перенаправления и концентрации энергии своего тела.

Это позволяет ему управлять характеристиками пламени, которое он производит от своей способности «Воспламенение». Двумя жестами, которые он часто использует, являются Тора Хишиги и Корна.

Адолла Бёрст

Имея Взрыв Адоллы, Шинра может быть временно наделен Милостью Евангелиста, установив ссылку Адоллы на человека, который происходит из Адоллы, или кого-то удостоенного награды.

Под руководством Грейс Шинра может войти в состояние скорости света, в результате чего его тело расщепится на субатомные частицы.

Затем частицы превышают скорость света, позволяя им вернуться на несколько секунд назад во времени к точке, прежде чем тело Шинры развалилось. В результате тело Шинры повторно материализуется.

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Шинра Кусакабе vs Рекка Хошимия

Это позволяет ему обойти законы физики и позволить ему путешествовать с релятивистскими скоростями, не погибнув. В таком состоянии Шинра мог накопить достаточно сил, чтобы победить Адского Демона в считанные секунды.

Связь с его Адоллой Бёрстом усиливается в соответствии с интенсивностью его желания.

Если мы посчитаем его Адоллу Бёрст, усиленную Милостью, Шинра может легко войти в пятерку лучших в этом списке. Однако очень маловероятно, что он продолжит использовать эту силу, данную Евангелистом.

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This anime is another apocalyptic styled anime which is a response to american hollywood apocalypse films such as; Every purchase you make puts money in an artist’s pocket. Nataku • anime & other’s. If you remember well, nataku son was introduced in season 1 of fire force anime. Nataku son (ナタク孫, nataku son), also called takkun or tatsu by friends, is a child residing in tokyo. Cheap action figures, buy quality toys & hobbies directly from china suppliers:anime endless waltz super nova mg 1/100 blue altron nataku xxxg 01s2 hot kids . Shipped with usps first class. Gundam · gundam wing · anime · manga . He was kidnapped by tamaki kotatsu along with some other . Zerochan has 11 nataku (x) anime images, android/iphone wallpapers, and many more in its gallery. Nataku (x) is a character from x. After being forcibly bitten by a bug, he adapted to . Anime nataku x/1999 fabric wall scroll hanging print 43”x31” rare.

Fire Force Season 2 Episode 17 | Anime Review & Discussion from

He was kidnapped by tamaki kotatsu along with some other . Every purchase you make puts money in an artist’s pocket. Nataku son (ナタク孫, nataku son), also called takkun or tatsu by friends, is a child residing in tokyo. Shipped with usps first class. Nataku • anime & other’s. Nataku (x) is a character from x. After being forcibly bitten by a bug, he adapted to . Cheap action figures, buy quality toys & hobbies directly from china suppliers:anime endless waltz super nova mg 1/100 blue altron nataku xxxg 01s2 hot kids .


  • Brutal Honesty: He never minces words and is crushingly honest about everything.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Oguru knows Kurono is thinking up of a thousand ways to murder him. He still treats him like dirt because he knows Kurono can’t do anything about it.
  • Complaining About Rescues They Don’t Like: Got dirt on his shirt while saving him from certain death? It’s being noted on your performance review. Objecting to that? Better stop before the report becomes more damning. No, you can’t do something really impressive and convince him to forget about it.
  • Crazy-Prepared: He has failsafes in place so that Kurono will be blamed for his death and punished accordingly. It’s also implied that he has to do this with other employees because he is so hated. Also a case of Properly Paranoid because Kurono was absolutely going to let him die otherwise.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Oguru’s end goal. He’s just a director at the moment but has his sights set on an even higher position within the company.
  • Evil Duo: He and Kurono have this down to a tee despite neither of them being antagonists at that time. Oguru is a ruthless genius who knows the absolute perfect thing to do in any situation while Kurono is the unbreakable enforcer of corporate interest. They both absolutely hate each other but they are astonishingly capable.
  • Hero of Another Story: Although ‘hero’ is probably too nice a word…
  • Jurisdiction Friction: Briefly considers . A brief stare down with Gustav Honda convinces him to stand aside or risk the anger of the military.
  • Mean Boss: The worst. Intensely manipulative, petty, self-interested above all else and just downright unlikable. Kurono finds him so utterly detestable that he’ll follow any order so long as he doesn’t have to be near Oguru. Trouble is that Oguru is so relentlessly competent that nobody can be opposed to him and be pragmatic at the same time. Haijima needs people like him so his co-workers are stuck with him. It leads to a lot of black comedy, .
  • Pragmatic Villainy: He is able to quickly change objectives and even put himself at some risk if it means a better outcome for his side.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Has the widest, meanest smile in the entire series plastered across his face at all times. Nothing can scare him enough to stop for more than a second, only then because something knocked his perfect plan off course and demands his attention.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Comes with the job.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: As much of a total jerk as he is. The general public like him and trust. Obi thinks it’s down to his bluntness being seen as a sign of confidence and uncharacteristic honestly for a company man.

How did Nataku Son become the Sixth Pillar?

After Shinra defeated Rekka, Nataku was taken to the Haijima Industries’ Skills Development Lab. Here he was subject to violent training exercises. In these exercises he had to combat one of the craziest persons there, Kurono Yuuchiro, who called himself the Shinigami.

Nataku fighting Kurono

Nataku manifests his Adolla Burst and becomes the sixth pillar after one such training experiment with Kurono. However, shortly before this happened, Nataku experienced an Adolla Link with Shinra Kusakabe. It is possible that it was Shinra’s presence that led to Nataku Son awakening his Adolla Burst. Shinra and Viktor Licht were at Haijimi industries at that time to investigate the Skills Development Lab.

Nataku’s Adolla link with Shinra is characterized by the former’s desperation and fear. His feelings of wanting to go home is what reaches Shinra. As we mentioned before, Nataku Son is a successful byproduct of the White-Clads experiment with bugs. Thus it goes without saying that they would want to recruit him into their team. This sets off a three way confrontation between Haijima Industries, Fire Force Company 8 and the White-Clads, with all looking to claim Nataku.

Kurono, Obi and Charon try to get a hold of Nataku Son


Arrow is the vice-commander of the Knights of Ashen Flame and the guardian of Shō Kusakabe. She is a loyal and unquestioning servant of The Evangelist and believed that the world was on the brink of a change that would be great and unprecedented.

She followed orders blindly without distinguishing between right and wrong. After being assigned to Shō Kusakabe as his guardian, Arrow started to change and became more loyal to Shō than to the Evangelist.

She began to believe in Shō’s decisions and decided to follow him out of The White-Clads. She had openly fought with the Fire Force Company 8 but gave them a chance because of Shō Kusakabe and his brother Shinra.

Arrow has a calm and collected facade all the time even in the face of danger. She can separate her thoughts from orders and unflinchingly follow orders from Shō Kusakabe.


VS. Special Fire Force Company 1 Arc

Nataku becoming a Third Generation.

While walking with his friend, Nataku was confronted by Tamaki Kotatsu in the streets and was carried off to an abandoned warehouse, being told that there was a way for children to be immune to the phenomenon, he followed. At the arrival, Nataku was frightened to see Rekka turn someone into an Infernal, and he himself was bitten by the Bug and began the transformation into an Infernal. However, Nataku seemed to be compatible with the flames and did not transform into an Infernal, simply passing out without injury. Before he can be taken by Rekka, he is protected by Shinra, Tamaki, and the other members of Company 1 as they battle and defeat Rekka. After the ordeal, he was taken in by Haijima Industries.

Hajima Industries Arc

As Company 8 begin their investigation into Hajima, Yūichirō Kurono prepares Nataku for their third combat test against each other and refuses to let him go home. As Shinra only revealed his Adolla Burst during actual combat, the scientists study Nataku’s reaction to danger. In response to a hallucination of Rekka, Nataku unleashes his flames but is ultimately defeated. 

Shinra feels Nataku through the Adolla Link.

Shinra and Victor Licht investigate the Hajima’s complex and the scientists try to hide Nataku’s location, but Shinra senses Nataku through the Adolla Link begging to go home, proving that he is there. During Shinra’s battle with Kurono, Nataku’s abilities fully awaken and cause havoc. Despite security guards and Shinra rushing to find him, Nataku is captured by Kurono who fights Shinra while carrying the boy by the neck. After reaching the courtyard, Kurono is attacked by Charon and loses hold of Nataku until he kills Charon’s henchmen. Nataku is tossed around between the Fire Force, Charon, and Kurono until Ritsu manages to trap him within the body of her newly-formed Fire Giant. 

Nataku going berserk.

Feeling deeply distressed over his current situation, Nataku also feelings inspired by the memories of Rekka and the puppeteer telling him to be hopeful. This mixed emotions combined with Haumea increasing his aggression causes Nataku to lash out towards everyone in the surrounding area. Firing beams at Kurono, the Fire Force, and the surrounding area; Nataku also begins creating radiation that begins to endanger everyone as well. While Shinra and Charon work together to bring Nataku under control, he hears the voice of Rekka telling him to cause more destruction.

Despite not being able to break through the giant’s body, Shinra is able to forge an Adolla Link and see into Nataku’s mind. Shinra tries to encourage the boy to stop being afraid. Nataku’s fragile mental state interprets this as an instruction to unleash his full power on the city, releasing a colossal blast of radioactive energy. The city is saved from destruction by Charon reflecting the blast into the sky and out of the atmosphere. 

Seeing how powerful the boy has become and what his desperation has brought him to, Kurono destroys the Flame Giant and rips Nataku out of its remains. Understanding that Nataku wants to accept his own limitations and weaknesses instead of living up to impossible standards, Kurono manages to calm Nataku down by telling him that he doesn’t have to force himself to be powerful. Finally being freed from the pressure he’s put himself under, Nataku calms down and the radiation dissipates. Following the incident, Nataku continues to be tested by Kurono but seems more at peace with himself and able to keep Rekka’s influence under control.

Arthur Boyle

Arthur Boyle is a member of the Special Fire Force Company 8 and is known for his third-generation pyrokinetic abilities.

Arthur is a simple-minded, young boy who seems to live in a medieval world of knights and dragons. He was abandoned as a child by his parents, who always encouraged his imagination of fantasy worlds.

As a result, Arthur thinks that he is a knight and carries an Excalibur-style weapon during his fights. Both Arthur and Shinra constantly bicker and argue with each other over everything, but make a good team when fighting infernals.

Despite his brash and reckless nature, Arthur is deeply loyal to his fellow members of Company 8 and is always ready to jump into action when needed.

As a pyrokinetic, Arthur has the ability to control and manipulate fire. He also has very strong instincts that guide him during his fights and help him a lot.

Haumea thinks Arthur is the guardian of the fourth pillar. As he is the only one who lives in a happy fantasy all the time, he can easily drive away Shinra’s despair and give him hope.


  • The first kanji in his name (黒) means black which fits the theme of his Ignition Ability, Black Smoke.
  • Kurono’s belt buckle and neck tie clip could be a reference to Death’s mask in Soul Eater who also is a Shinigami. He is also shown with vertical eyes, linking Kurono to Asura from the same series who was also considered the embodiment of madness. He also goes by the epithets «Death» and «Uncle Reaper», furthering solidifying his allusion to the Shinigami in Soul Eater.
  • According to his Character Profile:
    • He is a self-proclaimed corporate slave.
    • His favorite foods are soft things. His least favorite foods are hard things.
    • For his favorite music, he doesn’t know the name of the children’s song that he listened to in the past.
    • His favorite animal are children.
    • His favorite color is a healthy red.
    • His favorite type are the weaklings that have no power to resist physically nor mentally
    • He respects people who are weak but do their best to live.
    • He hates strong people.
    • He’s afraid of his boss.
    • His hobbies include harassments.
    • His daily routine involves making curry boiled down until the ingredients become mushy.
    • He does not have a dream, as corporate slaves don’t have dreams.
    • His shoe size is 26.5 cm.
    • His eyesight is right 0.9 and left 1.5.
    • His favorite subject is ethics. His least favorite subject is history and stories of the great figures of the past.

Arthur’s Parents

Arthur’s mother voiced by: Megumi Toyoguchi (Japanese)

  • Abusive Parents: They are the neglectful variety, leaving Arthur suddenly to fend for himself at a young age

    Ms. Boyle is especially terrible. While her husband seems to legitimately believe in his fantasies, she explicitly doesn’t. She left Arthur behind because she loved her husband more than her child. Her excuse that they couldn’t raise a child in the Nether falls apart within pages after they reveal that they have had multiple children they have been happily and safely raising. She just doesn’t have any love for her first born.


  • Cloudcuckoolander: Arthur’s dad initially seems like a grounded fellow but he’s every bit the fantasist his son would become. Although he sees himself as a Prophet. His wife just sort of nods along, thinking it’s cute.
  • The Cloudcuckoolander Was Right:
  • Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You: At least that’s what he says, regardless if you believe they to save the world or they went on the run to escape their crippling debts. Arthur’s parents left him completely alone with all their problems. .
  • Happily Married: They stick by each other and love each other.
  • Like Father, Like Son: Arthur and his father are both daydreaming weirdoes with delusions of grander. Where Arthur got his Undying Loyalty from is anybody’s guess because that certainly does not run in the family.


Nataku using his Ignition Ability.

After being bitten by a Bug, Nataku developed Third Generation abilities. Due to his age and lack of experience, he is currently unable to fully control his abilities. Using his Ignition Ability, he can ignite a claw from his right arm. As the Sixth Pillar, Nataku possesses the Adolla Burst and is able to forge an Adolla Link with others using emotions such as desperation and fear.

When his Adolla Burst fully manifests, Nataku becomes able to create floating radiation symbols out of fire, which are able to fire beams over great distances and cut through concrete. Nataku also begins to emit radioactive energy that is dangerous to everyone in his immediate area unless they have a resistance to fire. It is believed that Nataku’s uncontrolled power could destroy the entire Tokyo Empire.

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